design as a craft, vs. design as a discipline. yes, i see how that needs talk. its the difference between fosque and ... you. i too share concerns about how many graduates of the fosque school can actually find work... how many designers do the sunday price and item circulars actually need? especially in a recession. I'd like to amount to more in life than the gal who can squeeze 105 different washing machines onto one broadsheet.
thinking about the people for whom we design in the design process. omg. YES. the customer matters. communication is the goal, and so OF COURSE we have to think about who the heck it is we want to talk to. nice to see someone say it out loud... sometimes the simple things are the toughest to bring to light.
an increasingly intricate web of interactions. this is something that we're seeing across disciplines. we live in a postmodern age. I love my liberal arts education, because i get to see the connections between all things which in the past were supposed to be separate.

shes talking now about the foolishness of starting with the abstract and moving on to the real. point, line, plane. letter, word, sentence. As if we're born blind and dumb, our first moment of comprehension is a perky blond in our face, screaming "Gimmee A G!" (what the heck is a g? how do I use thing random thing?)
Now she's talking about the classic picture of the designer, who is so hell bent on control and impact that he has lost sight of why hes talking in the first place. To say something to someone.
"ive come to think that if i hear the phrase 'the computer is just a tool' one more time, I will shoot myself" lol, snort. im falling out of my chair this is so great. technology is. there is no other way, get used to it, accept, integrate. "design is the medium of interaction"
next, research. the information that professionals amass is not, generally, shared, and therefore, consensus on 'what is research' is not reached. The result is that design, as a discipline is sorely lacking. No culture. So sad.
form can be taught within a context. if you only think about one thing in this piece, pick this one.
The 21st century arrives at the design school. I knew there was a reason I signed up.
The thing, though, that saddens me is that before I read this article, i had clicked into each and every one of my classmates blogs, and reviewed their reactions. Overwhelmingly, their reactions to this article ran along the lines of "what is she talking about?" Which, as davis is talking about how narrow and technical the teaching of design is, technique without context, and how what our new world needs is design within the context of the rest of the world... proves her assertions are true. If the marketing types are right, that it takes more than one "impression" for a message to hit home, I can only hope that papers like this are assigned again and again.
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