Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Poster Final


Unknown said...

Dear Jana, i received a letter of concern from bill lepore concerning my 120 class and mentioning your name underwriting a letter send to the deans office. Please know that if there is any issue relating to either my teaching style or teaching methods i am happy to discuss this further with you and adapt my educational approach to your needs. It would help if you can give me more specific details as to what the problems are. please feel free to come talk with me, or talk with lis or bill confidentially any time regarding the issue.

I'm a bit surprised since you never mentioned anything and we talk regularly in class -


lukas bertus

On 11/18/08 6:48 PM, "Luisa Valencia" wrote:

My Name is Luisa Valencia and below is a copy of a letter I sent to Bill Lepore regarding a problem I had met with him for a few weeks ago. I was told by my art 118 professor, Walton Fosque to also inform you about this matter if I felt that there were no changes taking place to correct it. I would appreciate you taking a look into this matter and seeing that it gets handled properly as it has already negatively affected my Graphic Design studies here at PSU:

My name is Luisa Valencia and I am an art student at PSU. I am currently enrolled in courses for a graphic design minor to go along with my B.S. in Painting, Drawing and Printmaking. I met with you a few weeks ago to discuss a teacher I had for my art 120 class, which is an introduction to Adobe illustrator and photo shop. The Teacher is question is Lukas Bertus, and in our meeting I had informed you of the unsatisfactory teaching methods this guy was using. You told me that if I was the only one with this opinion that there was nothing you could do but if there were other students that share my opinion that you could look into it further and perhaps find a solution.Out of 21 students enrolled in the same art 120 class as me, five (including my self) had agreed to the fallowing terms about Luke's teaching:

Lack of class structure and lectures
Lack of information for assignments
Lack of competent knowledge of the programs he is trying to teach

The five students are only my peers that I asked that have the same 118 class as me. I have a feeling that if I had asked every on in my 120 class if they agreed with me I am sure there might be a couple more people on my band wagon.

The names of the students who agree with the terms above are: Luisa Valencia, Mark Boehly, Alexandria North, Jana Hughes, and Iris Dougherty. I feel that since I almost a fourth of the class feeling the same way I do that there should be some sort of investigation as to why this was allowed to go on.

I will be sending a copy of this to Barbra Sestak, as I have been informed by my art 118 professor, Walton Fosque, that this may need the attention of the Dean. Thank you for your time and consideration, Luisa M. Valencia

Jana Hughes said...

I'm outraged, and I'll be discussing this with Luisa, as well as writing a letter to the people who received her letter.

When she asked people in her classes their feelings, and told us she intended to write a letter of complaint, I gave her my email address for the exclusive purpose of asking her to give me the addresses of people to whom a letter could be addressed. I at no time indicated that i wanted her to add my name to a letter that I did not write, have a hand in writing, or have even seen until this moment.

I apologize for this confusion.

As we discussed in your class, when you brought it up with the entire group, I do have issues with the way that the 118/120 classes are presented by the advisor I met with as being "in concert", because it led me to an inaccurate assumption of the workload I was taking on for this term.

I do feel strongly, as Luisa does, that this confusion has been the cause of me 'not getting' a much from the term as I had hoped, HOWEVER, I do not go so far as to assert that my disappointment is the result of your teaching methods, rather I feel it is the result of inefficiencies in the program as a whole.

I will now have to take the time to write a follow up letter to the one Luisa sent, clarifying my position.

Again, Luke, I apologize for the method that these concerns have been brought to light. I was satisfied by the initiative you took in class, and respected your initiative, to invite students to share thoughts on this subject, and had no further qualms.